Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Exercise 2: Advanced Model Builder

Goals and Objectives

The purpose of this exercise was to gain experience using model iterator and inline variable substitution within ArcMap.  This was done through examining three different ski runs for resorts and their characteristics including slope, aspect, and elevation.  


To better understand the topological characteristics of the Beaver Creek, Breckenridge and Vail ski runs, a series of operations were carried out within Model Builder. Since the same calculations were being performed on all three feature classes, a model iterator was used in conjunction with inline variable substitution.  After this, the ski resort feature classes were buffered and zonal statistics were calculated for all three. Then, the resulting data tables were joined together and the individual run types (beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert) were extracted.   
Figure 1: Model Builder workflow


The results of my methods are displayed cartographically below (Figure 2).  I chose to  create a map of the Breckenridge Resort ski runs, however, the model did generate the results for Beaver Creek and Vail ski runs as well.  
Figure 2: Map depicting Breckenridge Resort ski runs

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